Professional historic research for you or your organization.
Historic property research.
Bringing your building’s history to life.
Crafted through local and oral history, genealogy, and property research, my place-based history reports share a building’s unique architectural and environmental history alongside its rich social history.
Historic property markers and art.
Visualizing a place’s past.
From historic property research, I design historic plaques and other unique building markers. I work with local artists to design original artwork to share your building’s history—including posters that share the story of your building.
Genealogical research. Family history.
Bringing your family’s history to life.
Through original archival research, genealogical sources, and family interviews, I fill in missing gaps of your family’s history. I also write comprehensive family histories.
Historic business and institutional history.
Understanding your company or organization’s past.
Through original archival research—paired with informative secondary sources—I craft narrative-driven, informative institutional histories, useful for organizational development.